Sunday, February 21, 2010

Who needs video games when there are math games?!

Children start learning addition and subtraction at a young age. Considering most people learn better using pictures, most children are the same way when it comes to learning addition and subtraction. For example, a child would rather use counters then to do math on paper. Some ways that I teach the children I work with addition is subtraction is by using my manipulative kit and having them add or subtract the number of pieces depending on the math problem that I give them. It helps them get a visual of the problem, and makes it a lot easier for them to understand. Another fun way is to play games with children to help them learn. Posted below is one of the math games that a child I work with likes the best.


  1. I think that adults should be playing these types of games too. they are fun for me... but i guess that is why they came out with the nintendo ds.

  2. I work with addition is subtraction is help me with math by using my manipulative kit and having them add or subtract the number of pieces depending on the math problem.
